A lot of things have happened in those 5 years.
- Scott graduated from College.
- We brought home a puppy.
- A few hundred dollars to the Veterinarian and a try at an obedience class, we found a new home for the puppy.
- We were blessed with Angel Baby.
- We remodeled our kitchen in Duluth.
- Scott got a job in Sebeka, MN.
- We sold our home in Duluth.
- We built a house.
- I became a SAHM. (Stay at home mom)
- I gave birth to a daughter.
- I gave birth to a son.
- We took trips to Grandma and Grandpa's cabin.
- Owen learned how to ride a bike.
- Scott was fortunate to not loose his job, rather get hired directly to do computer software engineering for one of the largest media companies. He is one of a team who are responsible to program the web sites that have more than 20 million unique visitors each month. No pressure there.
- Our Zip code now begins with a 3 instead of a 5.
- The kids and I not only survived but thrived on a 1200 mile trip to Tennessee.
- I have become accustomed to strangers calling me sweetie and honey.
- I still get annoyed at solicitations for SAHM's to work at home. Really? Not in my world. Have you tried it with my kids?
- We laid rest to the 1997 Pontiac Grand Am and bought a new Toyota Yaris commuter for Scott. He still washes it every weekend. I already have bets on this weekend. Don't mind much, except for the water spots he leaves on my Mommy van from spraying the hose at his car and not washing mine.
- Scott and I are members of the PTA.
- Owen started Kindergarten. After 18 years of school, I again have to do homework every evening.
- We are the proud payers of both a rent and a mortgage. Yes, at the same time. Every month. I would like to think of us as stimulator's of the economy, but we aren't. We are just caught in this giant fly trap of people renting other people's houses because they had to move to find a job yet they can't sell the house they own and rented someone else's home. All of us hoping not to become the next foreclosure statistic. All of us pinching pennies and dollars and waiting for some movement in the housing market. We are fortunate someone will be borrowing our house at a reduced rate soon. We didn't get so lucky with a reduced rate here in Knoxville.
- We are now fans of splash pads and discount theaters.
- I am proud to report I have not seen a water moccasin or black widow with the exception of our trip to the Zoo.
- Larissa and Miguel are proud parents to a new baby girl.
- We have survived almost 2 months without cable television. I don't think anyone here would want to get it soon. Scott works. Kids play. I miss Vikings Football.
- It is September 30th. The thought of wearing long pants and shirts hasn't crossed my mind.
- My flowers I planted here are thriving, and trees are just barely showing the first signs of color autumn.
- Kelly and Mike are celebrating their first anniversary today.
- I was accused of being from Canada because I talk funny. Maybe I just didn't call them sweetie or honey?
- Owen and I have not missed the school bus.
- I am thinking I may also need to carry a flashlight to the bus stop, or I just may spill my coffee next time I see our lizard in the driveway.
As little as those little thoughts may seem, today is kind of a big day for me as a mom. It was 5 years, 8 months and 15 days since I gave birth to my first child. 5 years, 8 months and 15 days later, Owen lost his first baby tooth.
I have always looked at my children's teeth like badges on a Mama Scout's vest (or would it be apron or sash?). I survived the sleepless nights. I survived the crabby days. I tried tricks like Orajel, frozen bagels, Motrin, and Popsicles, but soon learned hugs and love were the best medicine. I grew as a mother as each tooth emerged. I was proud.
The tooth was wiggled free with so much ease compared to how they came in. I held it in my hand, mostly speechless. However, Owen was a proud boy. He wasn't speechless. He jumped up and down. He called Grandpa. He hugged everyone. He exclaimed how big he was now. He yelled. He rejoiced. He didn't even look at the tooth.
Today I do not mourn my first baby's lost tooth. I am celebrating with Owen. I am celebrating his spirit and adventure. I am celebrating his hard work in school and his positive attitude towards moving to TN. I am celebrating his smile. Even if it is one tooth less.