Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cat Fever

I have Cat Fever. It may be self-diagnosed, but I am sure of it. I have been sitting in the sun for over a month  at the pool without sunscreen, because I was sure the sunscreen made the hives worse. The itching and scratching at my flesh due to sun exposure is unbearable. Every few minutes at the pool I think to myself that I know I am getting skin cancer right now and will die soon. Having an allergy/immune response to the sun is less fun than having a cat purr on your lap. I prefer to think that it is cat fever and not be west nile virus that seems to be worth the effort of spraying chemicals into the already polluted air or maybe not. Yet, I do have a few mosquito bites and have been sitting in the sun. Spoiler alert: I will die someday. Everyone does.

The city animal shelter has a special on all the cats because they are flooded with them. They are forced the euthanize the animals, because they do not have room for due to the overpopulation. Bob Barker didn't get his message across to everyone apparently. According to their facebook status updates, they may be having "K-Mart Blue Light Special" sort of happenings if you are there at the right moment. Not that "THEY" used that term. I just remember as a child shopping at K-Mart and running to the blue light special when it was announced. I figure it may or may not be the same. Running to the blue light to pick out a discounted veterinarian checked cat or a two for one special is a little strange. A lot strange. But so was socks or Christmas lights or fake jewelery. I only wish people would use commonly used birth control methods on their pets so this Blue Light Special thing wouldn't be an issue and Cat Fever would not be so painful. It is an epidemic.

If I had a choice, I would get a dog. Like Dharma, but without epilepsy that was a result of a car accident prior to her landing in the shelter where I adopted her from. Her first seziure was painful for both Scott and me. Her 100th was unbearable for both people and canine. I asked for her when I gave birth because she was my BDFF (Best Dog Friend Forever). She saved me from bears in Chester Park while I was having a miscarriage on a walk. May she rest in peace. I still miss that girl like crazy and get teary eyes thinking of her.

Even though I wish for a medium sized dog that could stomach table scraps, help me keep my floor licked clean and listen with loyalty with ears perked to my childish rants, my most promising wish is for a pet from the feline species of animals. It was dismissed rather quietly by my husband, so I don't really know what that means. I spend so much time closing entrance doors to our house to know that it would be a tough road. Yes, it may be a tragically bad idea. Or a great one.

I miss cat purrs on my feet at night. Someone, please drop on off for me. I have Cat Fever and may die. See earlier spoiler alert.


Meet Emma.

This lucky lady hit the jackpot on the day the temperature in Knoxville hit the all time ever recorded temperature since the 1930's. We have now reached it two days in a row at the time of this writing. Official temperature is recorded at the airport. I don't believe that the airport is in the city of Knoxville. I live in Knoxville, and only it reached 106.9 on my digital in the shade thermometer which is higher than the official reading. We all survived heat stroke in the barely air-conditioned van to go get her and bring her home. Barely. I have never seen a three year old sweat so much. She is pure luck.

She is luck because nobody else wanted her. She is luck because Scott finally caved and told me to go get my darn cat. I loved that movie as a kid. Everyone was adopting kittens to be picked up on Wednesday, but she had her suitcase packed. Literally. She had a suitcase emblem hanging on her tag on the cage because she has been ready to go for weeks. The white out on her health history shows she may have almost been adopted once or more, but who knows. Who cares. She is the perfect fit for us.

Oh, yeah. One last note. Everyone who has recommended a pet for Big Boy, you were absolutely correct. He hasn't been this calm forever. And the cat enjoys spending time with him, too.

*****UPDATE, #2*****
The shelter was running a special on stripped cats. Only $3. It felt like K-Mart. However, we fell head over-heals in love with this one. She was just enough spice and sweet. We adopted her unknown of the stripped cat special or the great people who already paid her adoption fees. Most likely at full price. Other people LOVED this cat enough to pay her adoption fees to spare her from death and we came home with her. With no litter box or food.

****UPDATE, #3****
Legos and silly bands are not safe in this house unless they are under the refrigerator where the cat hides them. For safe keeping, I am certain.  I LOVE this girl. I may never step on a lego again because they will be immediately tossed under major appliances and furniture. Wonderful .

****UPDATE, #4****
Apparently, she is litter box trained. I now need to litter box train the children. Sigh.

***UPDATE, #5****\
She loves honeydew melon.

***UPDATE, #6****
She is now tearing apart her bag of cat food. Ugh. What did I do?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Periodic Table of Elements

Big Brother of the house is always on a quest to learn and do. He never sits idle unless he is sitting with Daddy watching a movie or reading. Spring time at school was a challenge for him as they were reviewing old material of the year to prepare for testing and that proved to be boring. After testing was complete, school life was a behavior nightmare resulting from watching PBS kids on the active board and doing nothing new. Behavior reports were the norm.

Summer presents a different challenge for mom. How to wake up un-coffeed and jump into the day faster than he can get bored. Mission Impossible.

Latest adventure of the soon to be 2nd grader: The Periodic Table of Elements.

Thanks to Barnes and Noble and Scholastic, we now have a complimentary poster picture of the periodic table of elements hung above Big Brother's bed. Bed times are now filled with questions like...what makes water? What about air? What elements is this made of? What if you mix these three? Fortunately, I have taken college level chemistry and can answer most questions with a simple yes or no or maybe you can do that. Dad is thrilled and fueling the fire of curiosity. I am starting to spin as questions become more complex.

He is now on a quest to collect each element similar to a treasure hunt.

I think I need to brush up on the chemistry or enroll him in soccer camp.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The future with my son

Owen asked me recently if I knew what things would be like when he was adult. You know. Things. Cars. Computers. Candy. What new things would be around.

Today I started a new lawnmower we didn't have money for but needed. It starts with a push button..

No, Owen. I have no idea. Let us find out together.