In life, there are guaranteed little victories to celebrate daily.
Today my cat cried from the cat porch in her Siamese voice to her family raking in the yard. The vet called her part Siamese the first time she met her despite her dominate tabby cat appearances. I never understood that until the first time I heard her cry. Or maybe it was the first time my husband ran outside to us wondering what could be wrong with the cat who sang with such a sadness he had not heard from a feline. This time she bellowed and hollered to me as she tiptoed down the deck steps. She had escaped directly to my captive arms, yet purred with delight that she was with us.
The past few weeks have taught me a lot about life. OHHH. yeah. There isn't any way I can describe the waiting rooms I have been sitting in for the past few weeks. The fatigue. The loneliness. The desperation. The simplicity. The complications. The history of people who have lived long lives. And ultimately, me sitting there. As a patient.
Everything has changed. Everything is so much more beautiful. I avoid negative. I hug my children more. My husband and I hug more. I don't even have time to cry or be mad. I just want to live.
There are no guarantees or warranties on life. As soon as you try to turn one in, you realize everything you have taken for granted. If you are lucky like me, you get to realize all those little things sitting in a room with other people waiting to live another day.